How to Write a Law Firm Marketing Plan + Template

law firm marketing plan template

In this article, we will describe what should be included in each component of your law firm marketing plan and provide some marketing strategies that can help you generate leads, build credibility, and strengthen your law firm’s brand.

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What is a Law Firm Marketing Plan?

A law firm marketing plan is a written document that outlines the specific actions you’ll take to generate leads, convert prospects into clients, and retain clients over time. This document is a crucial component of your larger law firm business plan, as it details how you’ll attract and retain customers.

Your legal marketing plan should be built around your unique selling proposition (USP), which is the one thing that sets you apart from other lawyers and/or law firms in your market. From there, you’ll need to develop targeted marketing campaigns, create compelling offers, and craft a law firm marketing strategy that will reach your ideal clients.

Once you have all of the pieces in place, you’ll need to track your progress and adjust your plan accordingly. The best way to do this is to set measurable marketing goals and track your results regularly.

Why You Need a Marketing Plan For Your Law Firm

There are many reasons why you need a marketing plan to start your law firm. First and foremost, a well-crafted law firm marketing plan will help you focus your limited time and resources on the activities that will have the biggest impact on your business.

Second, a law firm marketing plan can help you track your progress and see whether or not you’re on track to achieve your business goals. This is important because it allows you to make changes to your plan as needed.

Finally, a law firm marketing plan can help you build credibility with clients. When you have a solid plan in place, prospects will see that you’re serious about your practice and that you’re willing to invest the time and resources necessary to succeed.

Law Firm Marketing Plan Basics

A typical lawyer marketing plan template includes the following components:

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Target Market Segments
  3. Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
  4. Pricing and Positioning Strategy
  5. Offers
  6. Marketing Materials
  7. Promotions Strategy
  8. Digital Marketing Plan
  9. Conversion, Referral, and Retention Strategy
  10. Financial Projections

How to Write a Law Firm Marketing Plan

Executive Summary

Although the first section of your law firm marketing plan, it should be the final section of your marketing plan that is written.

In two or three pages, summarize all of the information you have presented in the other sections and include a summary version of any graphs or charts you have included.

You should also include your marketing goals, objectives, and success metrics for the first year of operations.

Target Market Segments

Begin by dividing your potential customers into segments based on their demographics, geographical location, lifestyle, behavior, or any other factors that are relevant to your organization’s cause (e.g., family law, IP law, etc.). Be sure to explain how you determined these target market segments.

For example, a law firm that specializes in estate planning might target seniors, business owners, and families with young children.

Once you have identified your target market segments, you’ll need to develop a profile for each one. This profile should include information on their needs, wants, pain points, and buying behavior.

You can use this information to create targeted marketing campaigns that will speak to each segment’s specific needs.

Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Your USP is the one thing that sets you apart from other lawyers in your market. It’s what makes you unique and it’s what will make new clients want to work with you.

To develop your USP, start by identifying your unique strengths. What do you do better than anyone else? What can you offer that no one else can?

Once you have identified your strengths, you’ll need to find a way to communicate them to prospective clients. This is usually done through your website, marketing materials, and offers.

Pricing and Positioning Strategy

Your pricing and positioning strategy will be determined by many factors, including your target market, USP, and the overall goals of your attorney marketing plan.

When setting your prices, be sure to consider your target clients’ ability to pay. You want to position yourself in a way that allows you to compete against other lawyers in your market. You want a pricing strategy that will be profitable for your firm and competitive in your market.

Your positioning strategy will determine how you present your prices to prospective clients. Do you want to be seen as the premium option, the value option, or the low-cost option?

For example, a law firm that specializes in estate planning might position itself as the premium option. Their prices would be higher than other law firms, but they would also offer a higher level of service and expertise.


Your offers are the incentives that you’ll use to get potential clients to take action. They can be in the form of discounts, free consultations, or any other type of incentive that will persuade potential new clients to work with you.

When developing your offers, be sure to consider your target clients and what they’re looking for. Your offer should be something that they can’t resist and it should be tailored to their specific needs.

Marketing Materials

Your marketing materials are the tools that you’ll use to reach your target market and deliver your message. They can include things like your website, blog, brochures, email newsletters, and social media accounts.

When creating your marketing materials, be sure to keep your target market in mind. Your materials should be designed to appeal to their specific needs and interests.

Promotions Strategy

Your promotions strategy outlines how you will promote your products and services to your target market. It should include information about the types of promotions you’ll use, the right marketing channels you’ll use to reach your target market, and the timing of your promotions.

As a law firm, you’ll need to decide which types of promotions will be most effective in reaching your target market. You’ll also need to determine the best channels for reaching your target market. For example, will you use traditional advertising, law firm online advertising, or a combination of both?

Finally, you’ll need to develop a promotional schedule that outlines when you’ll run your promotions. For example, will you run promotions monthly or will you save them for special occasions?

Digital Marketing Plan

Your digital marketing plan outlines how you will use digital channels to reach your target market. It should include information about your website, your blog, your social media accounts, and your email list.

When developing your digital marketing strategy, be sure to keep your target market in mind. Your goal should be to reach them where they are spending the majority of their time online.

Conversion, Referral, and Retention Strategy

Your conversion, referral, and retention strategy outlines how you will convert prospective clients into paying clients, how you will generate referrals from existing clients, and how you will retain those clients.

To convert potential clients into paying clients, you’ll need to develop a sales process that outlines the steps you’ll take to close a deal. To generate referrals from existing clients, you’ll need to create a referral program that incentivizes them to refer others to your firm. And to retain clients, you’ll need to provide them with outstanding customer service.

Financial Projections

Your financial projections outline the expected revenue and expenses for your law firm. They should include information about your pricing strategy, your cost of goods sold, your overhead costs, and your expected profit margin.

When developing your financial projections, be sure to base them on realistic assumptions. For example, if you’re expecting to grow your revenue by 50% in the first year, be sure to include information about how you will achieve that growth.

Law Firm Marketing Strategies

For most lawyers, several traditional and digital marketing strategies are effective for promoting their law firm. These common marketing strategies can be used to reach your target market, generate leads, and convert potential clients into paying clients.

Some of the most common marketing strategies for a law firm include:

Sample Law Firm Marketing Plan

Example – Frank & Olsen: Personal Injury Law Firm Marketing Plan

Executive Summary

Frank & Olsen is a personal injury law firm that serves the needs of individuals who have been injured due to the negligence of others. The firm is dedicated to providing its clients with the best possible legal representation and to obtaining the maximum compensation for their injuries.

Our marketing plan includes a variety of strategies and tactics, including website development, optimization for improved keyword rankings in the search engine results pages, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media, and email marketing. We will also use public relations and traditional advertising to promote our firm.

Our goal is to generate a steady stream of new leads and convert a high percentage of those leads into paying clients. We expect to see a 26% increase in our revenue and profitability over the next 12 months as a result of our marketing efforts.

Target Market Segments

Frank & Olsen focuses on representing clients who have been injured due to the negligence of others. The firm’s target audience includes individuals of all ages, genders, and ethnicities who have been involved in accidents caused by someone else’s recklessness or carelessness.

In such situations, it’s common for the victim to feel overwhelmed and uncertain about what to do next. They may be worried about their ability to pay medical bills, support their family, or return to work. Frank & Olsen is here to help. We will take care of everything so our clients can focus on recovery.

Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Frank & Olsen is dedicated to providing its clients with the best possible legal representation and to obtaining the maximum compensation for their injuries. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to take your call. We offer free initial consultations, and we don’t get paid unless the client does.

Pricing and Positioning Strategy

Frank & Olsen offers contingency-based legal services, which means we don’t get paid unless you do. Our fee is a percentage of the total settlement, so there is no risk for the client. This arrangement aligns our interests with those of our clients and ensures that we only receive a fee if we can obtain a positive result.

Distribution Strategy

Clients of Frank & Olsen can expect to receive personalized attention and service. We will work closely with each client to understand their unique situation and needs. We will then develop a customized legal strategy designed to obtain the best possible outcome.

We offer phone consultations for potential clients who are unable to come into our office. We also offer home and hospital visits for those who are unable to travel.


Frank & Olsen offers a free initial consultation to all potential clients. During this consultation, we will review the facts of the case and answer any questions the potential client may have. We will also explain our contingency fee arrangement and how it works.

Marketing Materials

Frank & Olsen has a variety of marketing materials, including a website, online paid advertising through Google and Bing, billboards, radio advertisements, commercials on local TV stations, and print ads in local newspapers and magazines.

Promotions Strategy

Frank & Olsen will use a variety of promotional strategies to generate new leads and convert them into paying clients. These strategies include SEO, PPC advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, and traditional marketing tactics.

The marketing materials we have developed will help us reach our target market and promote our firm’s unique selling proposition. Our website is designed to be user-friendly and easy to navigate. It includes information about our firm, the services we offer, and the practice areas we serve. We also have a section for client testimonials, which helps potential clients see that we are credible and trustworthy.

Digital Marketing Plan

Frank & Olsen will use a variety of digital marketing strategies to reach its target market and generate new leads. These strategies include SEO, PPC advertising, social media, and email marketing.

Our website will be the primary source of information about our firm. We will use SEO to make sure our website appears as the top result for relevant searches. We will also use PPC advertising to drive traffic to our website.

Social media will be used to engage with potential and current clients. We will post regular updates, offer helpful tips, and provide information about upcoming events. Email marketing will be used to stay in touch with current and potential clients. We will send monthly newsletters, updates on new cases, and information about upcoming events.

Conversion, Referral, and Retention Strategy

Frank & Olsen is dedicated to providing its clients with the best possible legal representation. We will work closely with each client to understand their unique situation and needs. We will then develop a customized legal strategy designed to obtain the best possible outcome.

We offer a free initial consultation to all potential clients. During this consultation, we will review the facts of the case and answer any questions the client may have. We will also explain our contingency fee arrangement and how it works.

We offer a variety of payment options to make our legal services more affordable. We accept major credit cards, PayPal, and personal checks. We also offer financing for those who need it.

Frank & Olsen has a referral program for clients who refer new clients to our firm. For each new client that is referred, the referring client will receive a $50 credit towards their legal fees.

Financial Projections

Frank & Olsen projects that it will generate $1 million in revenue in the next year of operation. This projection is based on the number of potential clients in our target market, the conversion rate of our marketing efforts, and the average legal fee.

How to Finish Your Law Firm Marketing Plan in 1 Day!

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