New York Notary Exam Sample Questions" width="188" height="125" />
We are frequently asked what kind of questions are on the New York Notary Exam. Well, we cannot determine what you will be asked. But, based on previous exam questions, we can give you an idea of what to look for. Here are some New York Notary Exam Sample Questions. Remember this: All of the questions come from the New York State Notary License law. To get a copy of the Licensing Law, visit New York’s website and scroll down to the link – Laws, Rules and Regulations. You can then download the PDF file. So, let’s take a look at the types of questions that could be asked on the exam.
The New York Secretary of State can charge a fee of $25.00 for changing an address, or the name of the notary public. True or False.
This is FALSE. The fee for changing a notary’s name or address is $10.00
Bear in mind that the exam consists of 40 questions. Furthermore, the above is merely a small sample of the types of questions you might encounter. By the way, If you wish to become a New York Notary, we want to help you prepare. A good source to better understand Notary License Law is to watch Michael Closen’s YouTube video.
Feel free to read some of our other blog items. Obviously, you are welcome to visit our About the Course Page to learn about our New York Notary Training program. Or, you can visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.