Topological Data Analysis with Applications

Chung, Yu-Min 2022. Stable Topological Feature Vectors via Hermite Function Expansion on Persistence Curves. p. 5434.

Chung, Yu-Min Nikooienejad, Amir and Zhang, Bo 2022. Automatic Eating Behavior Detection from Wrist Motion Sensor Using Bayesian, Gradient Boosting, and Topological Persistence Methods. p. 1809.

Imoto, Yusuke and Hiraoka, Yasuaki 2023. V-Mapper: topological data analysis for high-dimensional data with velocity. Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE, Vol. 14, Issue. 2, p. 92.

Luo, Hengrui MacEachern, Steven N. and Peruggia, Mario 2023. Asymptotics of lower dimensional zero-density regions. Statistics, Vol. 57, Issue. 6, p. 1285.

Papadimitriou, Fivos 2023. Geo-Topology. Vol. 133, Issue. , p. 15.

Elbers, Willem and van de Weygaert, Rien 2023. Persistent topology of the reionization bubble network – II. Evolution and classification. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 520, Issue. 2, p. 2709.

Ahmed, Faisal Nuwagira, Brighton Torlak, Furkan and Coskunuzer, Baris 2023. Topo-CXR: Chest X-ray TB and Pneumonia Screening with Topological Machine Learning. p. 2318.

Guzmán-Vargas, Lev Zabaleta-Ortega, Alvaro and Guzmán-Sáenz, Aldo 2023. Simplicial complex entropy for time series analysis. Scientific Reports, Vol. 13, Issue. 1,

Lamiaux, Thomas Ljungström, Axel and Mörtberg, Anders 2023. Computing Cohomology Rings in Cubical Agda. p. 239.

Ji, Ju Venderley, Jordan Zhang, Hui Lei, Mengjue Ruan, Guangchen Patel, Neel Chung, Yu-Min Giesting, Regan and Miller, Leah 2023. Assessing nocturnal scratch with actigraphy in atopic dermatitis patients. npj Digital Medicine, Vol. 6, Issue. 1,

Chen, Hsin-Yu Wu, Hau-Tieng and Chen, Cheng-Yao 2023. Quality Aware Sleep Stage Classification over RIP Signals with Persistence Diagrams. p. 1.

Ichinomiya, Takashi 2023. Time series analysis using persistent homology of distance matrix. Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE, Vol. 14, Issue. 2, p. 79.

Peek, Dylan Skerritt, Matthew P. and Chalup, Stephan 2023. Synthetic Data Generation and Deep Learning for the Topological Analysis of 3D Data. p. 121.

Razmarashooli, Arman Salazar Martinez, Daniel A. Chua, Yang Kang Laflamme, Simon Hu, Chao Shull, Peter J. Yu, Tzuyang Gyekenyesi, Andrew L. and Wu, H. Felix 2024. Real-time state estimation using recurrent neural network and topological data analysis. p. 17.

Ahmed, Faisal and Coskunuzer, Baris 2024. Medical Image Understanding and Analysis. Vol. 14122, Issue. , p. 281.

Hernández-Lemus, Enrique Miramontes, Pedro and Martínez-García, Mireya 2024. Topological Data Analysis in Cardiovascular Signals: An Overview. Entropy, Vol. 26, Issue. 1, p. 67.

Che, Mauricio Galaz-García, Fernando Guijarro, Luis Membrillo Solis, Ingrid and Valiunas, Motiejus 2024. Basic metric geometry of the bottleneck distance. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 152, Issue. 8, p. 3575.

Ahnouch, Mohammed Elaachak, Lotfi and Ghadi, Abderrahim 2024. Innovations in Smart Cities Applications Volume 7. Vol. 938, Issue. , p. 155.

Bermejo, Raul Wilding, Georg van de Weygaert, Rien Jones, Bernard J T Vegter, Gert and Efstathiou, Konstantinos 2024. Topological bias: how haloes trace structural patterns in the cosmic web. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 529, Issue. 4, p. 4325.

Gunnar Carlsson , Stanford University, California , Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson , City University of New York