Sharing Information Under the Patriot Act

On September 18, 2002 the Treasury Department issued three final and two proposed rules under the provisions of the USA Patriot Act. The final rules concern sections 313, 319 and 314 in addition to the reporting requirements for casinos under the BSA. The proposes rules cover section 352 of the Act.

Of most interest to financial institutions is the final rule implementing Section 314 which contains the procedures that are intended to encourage a financial institution to share information not only with governmental agencies but also other financial institutions.


Final Rule v. Proposed Rule FinCEN requested comments regarding the proposed rule in March 2002 and received 180 comment letters from individuals, financial institutions and other interested parties.

The final rule is for the most part consistent with the proposed rule with the following major exceptions:

Searches Under the Final Rule

A report must be made to FinCEN if any account or transaction matches the information request. The information to be reported is limited, however, to the following:

Sharing Information

Note, a financial institution MAY NOT disclose the fact that FinCEN has requested or obtained any information as the result of a search. However, the closing of an existing account or the refusal to conduct business for any individual, entity or organization listed on an information request is not prohibited. Even if information regarding a named suspect is shared with another financial institution, it can not be disclosed that such sharing is the result of an information request.

Designation of Contact Person

Safeguarding Information

An information request from FinCEN does not stop a federal government agency from using other methods to request information from the financial institution including direct requests from federal law enforcement agencies.

Remember, a financial must give notice to FinCEN prior to sharing any information even if the receiving institution has given its own notice. BOTH financial institutions must give notice to FinCEN for the safe harbor provision to apply.

Even if a financial institution complies with a FinCEN information request, it is not relieved of any obligation to file a SAR or otherwise directly contact a federal agency concerning suspicious terrorist or money laundering.

First published on 9/19/02