Venture Capital Financing Update: National Venture Capital Association Releases Updates to Model Legal Documents

Adelicia R. Cliffe Jon O'Connell Matthew Melville

On July 28, 2020, the National Venture Capital Association (NVCA) released updates to its model legal documents for use in VC financing transactions (the NVCA Agreements). The NVCA Agreements have become the industry standard equity financing documents for Series A financings and beyond, and are used by startups, VC investors and lawyers in Silicon Valley and elsewhere. Prior to this round of updates, the NVCA Agreements were last updated in October 2019 and January 2018.

Updates were made to the following NVCA Agreements: (1) Term Sheet, (2) Certificate of Incorporation (Charter), (3) Stock Purchase Agreement (SPA), (4) Investors’ Rights Agreement (IRA), (5) Voting Agreement (VA), (6) Right of First Refusal and Co-Sale Agreement, (7) Management Rights Letter (MRL), (8) Indemnification Agreement and (9) Model Limited Partnership Agreement (LPA) Insert Language Regarding CFIUS. One impetus for the updates appears to be the finalization of the regulations implementing the Foreign Investment Risk Review Modernization Act of 2018 (FIRRMA) relating to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS). However, there are also significant changes unrelated to CFIUS. This alert summarizes some of the material changes to the NVCA Agreements.

Generally Applicable Changes

Many of the changes to NVCA Agreements flow across various agreements. We highlight those points at the outset:


By way of background, FIRRMA was signed into law on August 13, 2018, and made significant changes to the rules applicable to national security reviews of foreign investment in U.S. businesses by CFIUS, which is an inter-agency committee chaired by the Department of Treasury. While historically, CFIUS has had authority to review transactions that could result in “control” of a U.S. business by a foreign person, FIRRMA expands CFIUS’s authority to include non-controlling investments in certain U.S. businesses (where the U.S. business is engaged in certain activities related to “critical infrastructure” and/or “critical technology,” or maintains and collects certain sensitive data, referred to as a “TID U.S. Business”). In addition, while notification of a proposed transaction to CFIUS generally is voluntary (though with the specter that CFIUS could unilaterally initiate a review and – even post-closing – recommend the President unwind a transaction if it identified a national security concern), FIRRMA introduced for the first time a requirement for mandatory pre-closing filings under certain circumstances, with the authority to impose penalties up to the value of the transaction for failure to submit a mandatory filing. Also relevant to the changes to the NVCA Agreements, FIRRMA provided clarification with respect to investments by investment funds, and laid out the criteria for when foreign limited partners in such U.S. funds would not cause the fund to be considered foreign, though this carve-out is relatively narrow and certain funds – particularly smaller funds or special purpose – may not meet the criteria.

The 2020 NVCA Agreement updates have added to the SPA a company representation as to whether it is engaged in a TID U.S. Business. The purpose of this representation is to elicit disclosure and determine whether a CFIUS filing is mandatory, which makes sense given the recent finalization of the new CFIUS rules under FIRRMA. A representation by the investor that such investor is not a foreign person has also been added to the list of investor reps. This representation likely would suffice as an alternative to the company representation discussed above for purposes of determining whether a CFIUS filing is needed.

To the extent that the company is engaged in a TID U.S. Business, the form IRA now includes a number of covenants designed to elicit compliance with FIRRMA, including restrictions on demand registration rights, restrictions on access to information, restrictions on pre-emptive rights, restrictions on observer rights, and limitations on voting rights. Corresponding revisions have been made to the MRL as well.

The update to NVCA Agreements includes additional language to be included in LPAs to allow venture funds to assess CFIUS considerations. The inserts generally require the limited partners to (a) provide notice to the general partner within 15 days of the date upon which any foreign government holds a substantial interest in it or its limited partner affiliates during the term of the LPA and (b) cooperate with any requests for information regarding “foreign person” ownership holdings.

The complexity overall of FIRRMA and the NVCA Agreement provisions relating to CFIUS matters means that foreign investors potentially investing in, and companies engaged in, a TID U.S. Business, need to carefully consider CFIUS issues with counsel at the outset of a transaction and then as their businesses mature.

Governance Provisions

The 2020 changes to the NVCA Agreements impact both stockholder and board protective provisions:

Stockholder Protective Provisions. The stockholder protective provisions (found in the model NVCA Charter) were updated to include the approval requirements from the holders of preferred stock for:

The change to the equity compensation plan provisions is interesting as previously, except to the extent required by law or specifically negotiated, decisions regarding equity compensation plans and awards under such plans have been reserved for the board of directors. Assume, for example, a sufficient number of shares of common stock are authorized to allow for an increase to the number of shares reserved under an equity compensation plan. If this provision is included in the Charter, in addition to board approval, a company will also need to obtain stockholder approval, and the vote required will consist of only the investors.

Board Protective Provisions. Perhaps the most significant change to the protective provisions found in the IRA requiring approval of the Board of Directors of the company was the removal of the requirement that the board approve related party transactions between the company and directors, officers and employees of the company. While this provision has typically been a negotiated point in many transactions in our experience, particularly where strategic investors are involved, its deletion suggests a continued shift in the power balance towards companies and founders.

Qualified Small Business Stock

Consistent with increasing awareness of significant tax benefits relating to qualified small business stock (QSBS), as well as complexities in determining eligibility for QSBS tax treatment, the NVCA agreements include expanded provisions relating to QSBS. In particular, the model IRA now includes a detailed information reporting form to be completed by the company and provided to investors.

Statutory Information Rights / Books and Records Rights

The model IRA also includes an alternative (negotiable) provision waiving statutory information rights. This deletion relates to continuing attempts by investors to utilize statutory information rights to seek access to company books and records. While attempts to reduce litigation are always laudable, in our view the inclusion of this clause reflects heightened concern with the relative power balance between investors and the company and its founders.

Agreement Specific Changes 1

Term Sheet

The term sheet is the starting point for any VC financing, as the terms that are agreed upon here will serve as guideposts for the terms to be included in the definitive agreements to be executed in connection with closing. The NVCA model term sheet has been updated to reflect the material changes to offering terms and the NVCA Agreements.

In addition to changes related to the governance and CFIUS provisions described above, the offering terms section of the term sheet has been updated to reflect changes in the Series A marketplace that have occurred over the past several years, including:

Certificate of Incorporation

The Charter is a publicly filed document which authorizes the different classes of capital stock of a corporation and further describes the rights, preferences and privileges of such classes. It must be filed with the Secretary of State of Delaware (or other state of incorporation) prior to closing a venture capital financing transaction. Notable updates were made to stockholder protective provisions sections of the NVCA model Charter (as described above) and dividends.

The dividends section was updated to include a provision for “fixed rate” dividends, payable only if declared by the board. A fixed rate dividend provides investors with the ability to receive a percentage, usually 6% - 8% of the per share purchase price, prior to and in preference to any other dividends. This is the most common dividend formulation used in practice, however the prior version of the Charter required free drafting or pulling from prior precedent in order to incorporate this concept. As a practical matter, early-stage tech companies rarely pay dividends to stockholders.

Stock Purchase Agreement

The SPA is the contract by which investors purchase, and a startup sells, preferred stock. The SPA contains the basic necessary information on the purchasers, number of shares being sold, price per share and closing date. In addition, the SPA contains a host of representations and warranties made by the company and the investors and certain conditions which must be met prior to the closing of the financing.

Recent changes to the SPA focus on the representations and warranties sections and include:

The changes to the data privacy representation were spurred by the adoption of new privacy laws like the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This new representation holds the company to a higher standard with respect to privacy and its handling of personal information in light of the obligations and potential penalties under the CCPA and GDPR. Companies that collect credit card information or process credit card payments should pay special attention to these changes. Further, companies that have experienced a data breach or similar incident will now likely have to disclose the breach or incident as an exception to this representation.

Investors’ Rights Agreement

The IRA contains the key rights to which investors in a venture capital financing are entitled. In sum, these include: registration rights, information rights, inspection rights, observer rights, if applicable, and participation rights. In addition, the IRA includes post-closing covenants which are limitations on company actions and obligations imposed on the company.

Certain changes to the IRA are described above in the “generally applicable provisions” heading of this alert. Additional changes include:

Voting Agreement

The VA contains director election rights and the drag-along, which requires stockholders to vote in favor of an acquisition if certain triggering events are met.

Material changes to the VA include:

Indemnification Agreement

The Indemnification Agreement provides the circumstances under which a company will indemnify officers and directors for claims and expenses related to their roles as either an officer or director of the company. The Indemnification Agreement has been updated to provide for changes to General Corporate Law of the State of Delaware (DGCL) in 2020.

The 2020 changes: