Framework Agreement with Thailand

Desiring to strengthen the special bonds of friendship and economic relationship and also cooperation that exist between the Parties with a view to improving living standards, deepening economic linkages, promoting economic growth, investment opportunities, minimising barriers, and creating a larger and more integrated market with greater opportunities;

Desiring to raise the capacity and international competitiveness of their goods and services as well as to promote their mutual interests through liberalization and expansion of trade and investment between them and with a view to eventually establishing a bilateral Free Trade Area;

Recognizing the important role and contribution of the business sector in enhancing trade and investment between the Parties and the need to further promote and facilitate their cooperation and utilisation of greater business opportunities provided by a comprehensive free trade agreement between the Parties;

Re-affirming the rights and obligations with respect to each other under existing bilateral, regional and multilateral agreements including the Marrakesh Agreement establishing the World Trade Organization;

Recognizing the catalytic role that regional trading arrangements can play towards accelerating regional and global liberalization and as building blocks in the framework of the multilateral trading system;

Have agreed as follows:

The Parties shall make every effort to:

Measures for Comprehensive Free Trade Area (FTA)

The Parties agree to expeditiously negotiate for establishing an India-Thailand FTA with a view to strengthening and enhancing liberalization of trade through the following:

progressive elimination of tariffs and non-tariff barriers in substantially all trade in goods between the Parties;

progressive liberalization of trade in services between the Parties with substantial sectoral coverage;

establishment of an open and competitive investment regime that facilitates and promotes investment within and between the Parties;

establishment of effective trade and investment facilitation measures, including, but not limited to, simplification of customs procedures and development of mutual recognition arrangements;

expansion of economic co-operation in areas as may be mutually agreed between the Parties that will complement the deepening of trade and investment links between the Parties and formulation of action plans and programmes in order to implement the agreed sectors/areas of cooperation; and

establishment of appropriate mechanisms for the purposes of effective implementation of this Agreement.

Trade in Goods