We are pleased to partner with the University System of Georgia, the Technical College System of Georgia and Private Colleges and Universities in Georgia to provide another round of application fee waivers!
Click on the tabs to view the colleges waiving their fees in March.
College Name (link to application) | Waiver Dates | Instructions for Applicants | For questions about the application process email: |
Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College | March 1-31 | Fee will automatically be waived | admissions@abac.edu |
Albany State University | March 1-31 | Once the student gets to the page to enter the code, they should just bypass that page. It will allow them to move to the next page and complete the application. | admissions@asurams.edu |
Albany Technical College | March 1-31 | Code: MARCH24 | admissions@albanytech.edu |
Athens Technical College | March 1-31 | Code: MARCH24 | admissions@athenstech.edu |
Atlanta Metropolitan State College | Fee is always waived. | Fee will automatically be waived | admissions@atlm.edu |
Atlanta Technical College | March 1-31 | Fee will automatically be waived | ATCenrollment@atlantatech.edu |
Augusta Technical College | March 1-31 | Fee will automatically be waived | nwilliams@augustatech.edu |
Augusta University | March 1-31 | Apply via the Common Application and select “Apply to College Month” on the School Specific Fee Waiver question. | admissions@augusta.edu |
Brenau University | March 1-31 | Application Fee will be automatically waived for March | admissions@brenau.edu |
Central Georgia Technical College | March 1-31 | Code: MARCH24 | admissionsoffice@centralgatech.edu |
Chattahoochee Technical College | March 1-31 | Fee will automatically be waived | Enroll@ChattahoocheeTech.edu |
Clayton State University | March 1-31 | Fee will automatically be waived | csuinfo@clayton.edu |
Coastal Pines Technical College | March 1-31 | Code: MARCH24 | info@coastalpines.edu |
College of Coastal Georgia | March 1-31 | Fee will automatically be waived | admissions@ccga.edu |
Columbus State University | March 1-31 | Fee will automatically be waived | enroll@columbusstate.edu |
Columbus Technical College | March 1-31 | Fee will automatically be waived | admissions@columbustech.edu |
Dalton State College | March 1-31 | Fee will automatically be waived | admissions@daltonstate.edu |
East Georgia State College | March 1-31 | Fee will automatically be waived | mmoran@ega.edu |
Fort Valley State University | March 1-31 | Fee will automatically be waived | admissions@fvsu.edu |
Georgia Gwinnett College | March 1-31 | Fee will automatically be waived | ggcadmissions@ggc.edu |
Georgia Highlands College | March 1-31 | Fee will automatically be waived | admitme@highlands.edu |
Georgia Military College | March 1-31 | Code: G024 | info.main@gmc.edu |
Georgia Northwestern Technical College | March 1-31 | Code: MARCH24 | admissions@gntc.edu |
Georgia Piedmont Technical College | March 1-31 | Fee will automatically be waived | admissions@gptc.edu |
Georgia Southern University | March 1-31 | Fee will automatically be waived | admissions@georgiasouthern.edu |
Georgia Southwestern State University | March 1-31 | Fee will automatically be waived | admissions@gsw.edu |
Georgia State University | March 1-31 | • First Year Applicants to the Atlanta Campus using the Common Application: - Under the School Specific Fee Waivers questions, students should select “Apply to College Month” - There will be a follow up question for students to indicate if they currently attend a high school in Georgia, students should select YES. • First Year Applicants to Perimeter College: - Enter Fee Waiver Code: ACM2024 | admissions@gsu.edu |
Gordon State College | March 1-31 | Fee will automatically be waived | admissions@gordonstate.edu |
Gwinnett Technical College | March 1-31 | Code: MARCH24 | GTCRecruitment@GwinnettTech.edu |
Kennesaw State University | March 1-31 | On the Common Application, under “School Specific Fee Waiver” question, select “Apply to College Month” | KSUAdmit@kennesaw.edu |
Lanier Technical College | March 1-31 | Code: MARCH24 | admissions@laniertech.edu |
Middle Georgia State University | March 1-31 | Fee will automatically be waived | admissions@mga.edu |
North Georgia Technical College | March 1-31 | Fee will automatically be waived | admissions@northgatech.edu |
Oconee Fall Line Technical College | March 1-31 | Fee will automatically be waived | admissions@oftc.edu |
Ogeechee Technical College | March 1-31 | Code: MARCH24 | enrollmentservices@ogeecheetech.edu |
Piedmont University | March 1-31 | When applying, check "YES" for fee waiver | ugrad@piedmont.edu |
Savannah State University | March 1-31 | Fee will automatically be waived | admissions@savannahstate.edu |
Savannah Technical College | March 1-31 | Fee will automatically be waived | Admissions@savannahtech.edu |
South Georgia State College | March 1-31 | Fee will automatically be waived | admissions@sgsc.edu |
South Georgia Technical College | March 1-31 | Code: MARCH24 | sgtc411@southgatech.edu |
Southeastern Technical College | March 1-31 | Code: MARCH24 | admissions@southeasterntech.edu |
Southern Crescent Technical College | March 1-31 | Code: MARCH24 | admissions@sctech.edu |
Southern Regional Technical College | March 1-31 | Fee will automatically be waived | Admissions@southernregional.edu |
University of North Georgia | March 1-31 | Applicants will need to use waiver code ungadmissions | admissions-dah@ung.edu |
University of West Georgia | March 1-31 | Fee will automatically be waived | admiss@westga.edu |
Valdosta State University | March 1-31 | Fee will automatically be waived | admissions@valdosta.edu |
West Georgia Technical College | March 1-31 | Code: MARCH24 | admissions@westgatech.edu |
Wiregrass Georgia Technical College | March 1-31 | Code: MARCH24 | admissions@wiregrass.edu |
Young Harris College | March 1-31 | Application Fee will be automatically waived for March | admissions@yhc.edu |